Hougen is a renowned brand in the world of magnetic drills, known for their quality, durability, and innovation. With a variety of models of mag drills available, it can be challenging to determine which one is the best fit for your specific needs. So, we partnered with our friends at Hougen to give us a rundown of some of their most popular models: the 130, 900, 904, 904S/C, 905S, and 920. Let’s take a look at some of their features, capabilities, and ideal applications so you can make sure you’re choosing the right tool for your job!

To start us off, we’ll begin with Hougen’s most compact mag drill available–the HMD130. At just under 25 pounds, this lightweight model has a 1,200lb deadlift rating with the magnetic base while on a 3/8” plate, and a whopping 2,165lb rating on a 1” plate. The motor spins up to 450 no-load revolutions per minute (RPM), while a heavy-duty, high-torque gearing ratio provides continuous reliable RPM and uniform surface feet per minute (SFM) to give you higher feed rates even in tougher materials. With the power to cut holes up to 1-⅜” in diameter in materials up to 1” thick, this tool is ideal for projects in tight spaces and features an LED light for added visibility in those hard-to-reach areas. To learn more about this specific mag drill, check out our deep dive in our blog post all about the HMD130!

If you don’t need a super-compact option and are looking for something more standard and bare-boned, the Hougen HMD900 is an excellent option. This model is essentially Hougen’s “base” model, and the most cost-efficient, offering reliable performance for a variety of applications. The HMD900 is equipped with a powerful 8A (115V) motor, providing ample drilling force. It has the capacity to drill up to 1-½“ diameter holes with a maximum cutter depth of 2”. Just under 28 lbs, this model is still fairly lightweight but is not short and compact like the 130. The HMD900 is compatible with Hougens 12,000 Series and Copperhead cutters and operates at a single 450 RPM speed.

If you’re looking for a few more bells and whistles, the Hougen HMD904 is a step up from the 900 in terms of features. The HMD904 has the same drilling capacity as the 900, is also compatible with 12,000 Series and Copperhead Carbide cutters, and operates at a single 450 RPM speed. The primary difference is the incorporated black powder coating, thru-the tool coolant, and an LED pilot light that is built into the base for greater working visibility.

For even more features, the 904 also has 2 different variants you can choose from. The 904S is a swivel base model, for added ease of use when working on a vertical or overhead surface. An additional metal plate is placed in between the magnet and the base of the mag drill, which allows the drill to rotate out in varying directions to meet the correct hole position without needing to completely move the base. This gives you more access to hard-to-reach places and edges since more than 85% of the magnet needs to be covered for proper magnetization and safety. The 904C includes a coolant system, where a gravity-fed coolant bottle comes attached to the drill for built-in cooling and lubrication.
Hougen introduced their new permanent magnet to the HDM904 recently as well. This is a magnet that can be used without even being plugged in. To learn more check out our video here:
Next up, is the Hougen HMD905, which is a heavier-duty magnetic drill engineered for demanding industrial applications. The 905 has a 9A(115V) and 4.5A (230V) motor, delivering exceptional power and performance. It is designed to accommodate larger diameter cutters, with a drilling capacity of up to 2” and a maximum cutter depth of 3”. The 905 is compatible with 12,000 Series and Copperhead, Carbide cutters, ¾” shank. It features rugged construction and enhanced stability for the toughest drilling projects. Finally, it includes a safety strap and smart magnet circuitry system for extra safety measures while in use.

Last but certainly not least, the Hougen 920, is a premium drill designed for heavy-duty applications and precise drilling. The 920 is equipped with a powerful 12.5A (115V) and 6.5A (230V) motor that delivers impressive drilling capacity and torque. The 920 has a drilling capacity of 2-⅜“ and a maximum cutter depth of 3”. The 920 is compatible with “12,000 Series” and Copperhead cutters. With a 3-speed gearbox, the 920 offers versatility and adaptability to different drilling requirements.

Selecting the right magnetic drill press depends on your specific drilling needs and applications. The Hougen 900, 904, 904S/C, 905S, and 920 models all offer unique features and capabilities that cater to different requirements. Consider each factor when making your Hougen Magnetic Drill Press decision. Which drill press fits your needs?

Each of these drills is available at Ohio Power Tool via one of the links throughout this post or just be searching for the tool that you like the most on our website. Don’t hesitate to reach out at cs@ohiopowertool.com or 614-481-2111 with any questions, comments, or concerns, and be sure to follow us on all your favorite social media channels to stay in the know on all the latest announcements, deals, news, and more!